J'Lixie Ardhasa
Hiya I am J'Lixie and welcome to my Carrd! I am a fun, flirty female Miqo'te who loves to chat, dance and work as an escort at House of Sin. You can usually find me dancing, serving, or just having some fun at the clubs. Want to say hi? Please do! I am WU/T friendly. I have an F-list too, just ask for it (18+ only please!)

My Roleplay Hooks
Some ideas to start roleplay with me:
> maybe you saw me at a club another night, and wanted to talk to me
> you have heard about some entertainment going on and want to check it out with me
> you see something unusual that I am wearing, like a jeweled necklace or bracelet, and are curious where I got it
> you see me dancing at House of Sin, and you decide you like what you see? Maybe a quick hello leads to something more?

My Fave/Yes Kinks are listed below. Want to hire me as an escort? My rates are:
*** 300K/hour for SFW***
*** 500K/hour for NSFW***
*** 800K/hour for Kink NSFW***